What the hell is Responsive Web Design and do I need it!?

The clever chaps in the eSterling Development Team like to think they keep up-to-date with what’s going on in the industry and were therefore all over ‘Responsive Web Design’ some years ago.

It has grown to be a quite an important ideology throughout the internet and therefore deservers a mention on these hallowed pages.

The Idea

The thought process of Responsive Web Design is to build a site which responds and is even able to adapt depending on how the user is viewing the site. Here are just a few parameters which have an effect on how a web site is rendered:

There are one or two variants there but that’s not the half of it!

Here at eSterling we’ve been perfecting this methodology and now incorporate this into every single web build we now undertake. TEST TEST TEST! is the cry from our Development team and our customers reap the benefits!

So next time you need a website always remember to test it as much as possible because you never know what crazy set up some people are using!

I have covered the very basics here but to learn how to incorporate responsive web design into your web site visit our good friends at Smashing Magazine for more information.